26 July 2010


"Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not."
~ Doctrine & Covenants, 6:36 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Christ, as our Savior, will guide and bring us safely home. In founding our lives on His Gospel and teachings we can find comfort and peace despite the inevitable turmoils of life, no matter how minuscule or seemingly insurmountable. This I believe...it is this I am trying to convey and live in accordance with when it is so tempting to doubt and fear instead of believe.

In looking back on my life, this may be the most challenging time that I have had to continue believing when life is hard, but that may mean nothing more than it is time to believe yet again because He has never failed me before.


  1. Through this experience, your faith will grow even more. When it's hardest, we learn/grow the most and become stronger than we knew we could be. There will be other hard times, harder than this, and this time is a time for you to prepare yourself and your faith to be able to endure what is to come. Depressing thought? Maybe, but also encouraging. The Lord knows and loves us and gives us what we need so we will be armed and ready to succeed. Your experiences will also help you to empathize with others who go through similar situations, to know their needs and how to meet them. Challenges are hard to go through, but are also such great blessings, too. And that is what helps me to get through them, focusing on what I need to learn, how I need to grow; trusting that it truly is for my best. :)

    I love your faith and testimony, thank you for sharing it. :)

  2. Thank you for you comment, Sariah! I appreciate you a lot! :-)

  3. I love your wedding picture at the end!
